Marriage Consultation

When two people are going to get married to each other, then it should be checked if their planets/stars are complimenting each other or not. Because if the stars and planets are not aligned in perfect situation and don’t match with the other person’s planets and stars then the consequences in married life are bound to happen. That is why people use many astrological tips before getting married like Kundali Millan, Checking Manglik dosh and many other things are taken care for.
There are many things other than the 36 score Ashtkoota Milan in order for the marriage to function properly. Just analysing only your Guna Milan is never appropriate in order to go ahead with a marriage. Both individual charts and their impact on each other should be analysed for optimum long term functioning of the marriage.

See Youtube Video

*Any of the services can be taken by either of the Astrologers, in case of your choice please choose and email in advance with transaction booking id.

Please provide the following information after booking your desired service


For Eg : Rahul Sharma

Date of Birth

(Write month in letters).
For eg: 15Apr1990

Exact Time of Birth

For Eg :- 5:00 AM

Country and city where you were born

For Eg: India (Delhi)

Additional information

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