Name Analysis/ Lucky Letters

Your name has the power to attract success or struggle in life. Each letter in your has a numeric value assigned to it. Your name resonates the Vibrations of your name, number, another reason is a scientific one, Psychology says, when you call a person by his name again and again, it influences his personality.
Also, according to Astrology, Rashi and Nakshatra at birth time influence baby’s future. So, parents try to keep name according to Rashi and Nakshatra hoping that the good influence of her Rashi and Nakshatra might help the baby to build a bright future, when people will call her by that name repeatedly. But what if you have a moon in negative houses? Is keeping name on rashi favourable?
Benefits and Uses:
- Is Apple sound a favourable sound for you. Find out before investing in the company.
- Is ka Sound bad for you maybe change your business name if it is unsuitable.
*Any of the services can be taken by either of the Astrologers, in case of your choice please choose and email in advance with transaction booking id.
Please provide the following information after booking your desired service
For Eg : Rahul Sharma
Date of Birth
(Write month in letters).
For eg: 15Apr1990
Exact Time of Birth
For Eg :- 5:00 AM
Country and city where you were born
For Eg: India (Delhi)
Additional information
- Accuracy of Birth Time (birth certificate/estimate)
- Male/Female/others
- Are you a Twin? (if yes - Younger/Older)
- Currently living in?
- What would you like me to focus on in the reading? (be as detailed or as brief as you like)
- Are you a return client?
- How did you hear about me? Who can I thank if it's a referral.
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Olivia Holmes
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What clients are saying
Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet consectetur consectetur pretium urna nibh augue etiam risus accumsan volutpat urna, eu semper enim, est aliquam laoreet urna fringilla.

Olivia Holmes
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Roberto Lopez
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Julia Moore
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Maria Anna