The Sacral Chakra is located just above the pubic bone and is responsible for passion, sexuality, intimacy, money, creativity, and joy.

The balance of the Sacral Chakra allows us to improve our relationships with ourselves and others. The planet MOON is associated with the sacral chakra and element is WATER.

As humans, it is part of our nature to create. This creativity can be expressed as procreation but the second chakra energy is certainly not limited to making babies. When we cook, bake, or garden, we are creating. We create when we find a new solution to an old problem. Any time we take raw materials, physical or mental, and transform them into something new, we are using our creative energy.
The sacral chakra is associated with the realm of emotions. It’s the center of our feelings and sensations. It’s particularly active in our sexuality and the expression of our sensual and sexual desires. It is responsible for the Functioning of it’s the lymphatic and circulatory systems, reproductive organs, bladder, kidney, and large intestines. Mentally, blocked sacral energy can be associated with addiction, repressed emotions, and lack of creative energy.


  • Dependency, co-dependency with other people or a substance that grants you easy access to pleasure
  • Being ruled by your emotions
  • Overindulgence in fantasies, sexual obsessions
  • Or the opposite: Lack of sexual desire or satisfaction
  • Feeling stuck in a particular feeling or mood
The sacral chakra is connected to the element of water so nourishing your body, inside and out, with some H20 will do your sacral some good. It is recommended keeping your body hydrated by drinking lots of it. You can even make it fancy and more sacral chakra- friendly by adding a couple of slices of orange. The sacral chakra is all about creative expression, so it makes sense that tapping into your artistic side and doing something creative would help open up this energy center.

Do some hip-opening movements

The sacral chakra is located right below your belly button so any hip-opening movements and poses will help get the energy flowing in that area. “You can do this by allowing your body to flow through dancing or dance-like movements, stretching your hips, and different yoga asanas or poses Left nostril breathing called Ida Nadi breathing will help to open up the second chakra as it brings forth lunar energy. Simply close your right nostril with the first two fingers of your right hand and inhale and exhale through the left nostril, only for 8 to 10 breaths.
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